Whether you play craps at a land-based or an online casino, you will notice specific lingo and calls that refer to certain outcomes, bets, and actions. So, today we present an in-depth craps glossary where we explain all the critical craps terms and definitions you need to know to become a better craps player. These are honed over the years and have developed into a specific language that you should understand when you decide to roll the craps dice.
- Ace Deuce – A roll of 3, as the dice need to land on a 1 and a 2
- Aces – when the dice roll a 2 (each dice rolling on 1), also known as Snake Eyes
- Any Craps – a craps bet that the next Roll of the dice will be a 2, 3, or 12
- Any Seven – a bet that the dice will land on a 7 in any combination
- Ballerina – a roll where the dice lands on a double 2 (two-two or tutu)
- Big Red – the number 7
- Bones – slang for dice
- Box Numbers – the place bet numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
- Boxcars – the number 12
Credit: 22Bet
- Cold Dice – the expression used when no one is making their point on the table
- Come Bet – the bet and roll after the craps point has been established
- Come Out Roll – the initial roll of the dice
- Comp – short for compensation refers to free things handed in a land-based casino, like drinks, dinners, room stays, etc.
- Crap Check – a bet on any craps during the Come Out roll to hedge the Pass Line bet
- Crap Out – for the dice to land on a 2, 3, or a 12 on the Come Out roll
- Crapless Craps – a variety of craps where there is no option to crap out; instead, in crapless craps, the 2, 3, 11 and 12 become point numbers
- Dealer – casino employees who work the craps table; there are 4 dealers around the craps table, a boxman, a stickman, and two base dealers
- Don’t Come Bet – a bet after the point is established
- Don’t Pass Bet – a bet where you wager that the dice will not make the point number
- Double Odds – when the bet is twice the size of the original pass or come bet
- Double Pitch – a dice-throwing technique that improves the chances of rolling a 7
- Down – to reduce or remove a craps bet
- Easy Way – when the dice roll on a 4, 6, 8, or 10 with any combination other than doubles
- Even Money – a bet that pays 1 to 1
- Eye in the Sky – a common slang for the security cameras or CCTV in land-based casinos
- Fever Five – called five fever, when the dice roll on a 5
- Free Odds – the odds behind the Pass/Come and the Don’t Pass/Don’t Come bets
- Fire Bet – a craps side bet where you bet on the number of unique points that the shooted will make and win before rolling a 7
- Front Line – a term used to refer to the Pass Line Bet
- Garden – another term for the field bet
- George – a person who tips well
- Hard Way – when the dice roll on a 4, 6, 8, or 10 with the dice rolling on the exact numbers
- High – a bet on a 12
- Hi-Lo – betting that the dice will roll on a 2 or 12
- Hi-Lo-Yo – betting that the dice will roll on a 2, 11, or 12
- Hop – a single-roll bet on a specific combination of dice
- Horn Bet – a bet that the dice will land on a 2, 3, 11, or 12
- Horn High – a specific horn bet where an extra amount goes to the higher number; the bet amount is usually a multiplier of 5
- Hot Dice – a saying for when you are on a winning streak, also known as Hot Table
- Inside Numbers – placing a bet on the inside numbers 5, 6, 8 and 9
- Lay Bet – when you bet that a 7 will come before a specific point number
- Lay Odds – to bet against the shooter
- Layout – the printed area on the Craps table where the players place their bets when they play craps
- Low – a bet where you wager that a 2 will be rolled
- Marker – a plastic disc with the labels On/Off that the dealer uses to mark the point
- Mechanic – a craps player with excellent dice control
- Midnight – a slang term for the number 12
- Natural – when the Come Out roll is 7 or 11
- Nina – to roll or bet on a 9
- Odds Bet – when you make an extra wager with the Pass Line bet to hedge the Pass Line bet, a common craps strategy to increase your winning chances
- Off – when you decide not to bet on the Roll
- Off and On – when one bet is paid, and the next Come bet is the same as the previous one
- On – when you choose to actively bet
- One Roll Bet – a craps bet that you place on a single dice roll
- Outside Numbers – the numbers 4, 5, 9 and 10
- Parlay – when you leave your winnings from the previous bet and add them to the upcoming bet
- Place Bet – a bet where you wager that a certain number will be rolled before rolling a 7
- Point – the number that is established on the Come Out roll
- Press – to double a bet
- Proposition Bet – to place a wager on the central part of the craps table layout
- Push – a tie
- Rack – the plastic grooved rail tray for keeping the casino chips
- Right Better – when you place a Pass Line bet
- Same Bet – to keep the next bet the same as the previous bet
- Seven Out – when the dice land on a 7 before a point is set, an immediate loss of the Pass Line bet
- Shooter – the person who rolls the craps dice
- Snake Eyes – when the dice rolls a 2, both dice land on 1s
- Stickman – the dealer who pushes the dice to the shooter and calls the rolls, and uses a stick, one of four craps table dealers
Credit: Karamba
- Take Odds – when betting on a Pass or Come bet
- Toke – a slang term for a tip
- True Odds – the actual craps odds and payouts where the house edge is 0%
- Vig, Vigorish – the commission that you must pay the house for buy and lay bets
- Working – an in-play bet where you don’t know the outcome yet; a live bet
- World Bet, Whirl – when you place a horn bet and bet on a 7
- Wrong Bettor – when you bet against the shooter
- Yo, Yo-leven – a term used when an 11 is rolled to prevent a mixup between 7 and 11; commonly used by players who believe in craps superstitions
2-Way – a bet you place for yourself and the dealers
3-Way Craps – a bet (a unit of three) where you place each unit on 2, 3, and 12