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Roulette is famous for its simple betting options, and this is why many beginners opt to play this luck-based game. The beauty of roulette is that there are no long-term bets that you need to keep track of, as each roulette bet relies on one spin of the wheel and is resolved very quickly.
Today, we will discuss all the roulette bets you can place, and we’ll explain the particulars that will help you understand your options and expected outcomes. Our guide to roulette bets will compliment your roulette table etiquette and help prepare you to better hone your roulette strategy and boost your chances of placing a winning bet when you play roulette in a brick-and-mortar or your favorite online casino.
- Roulette bets are divided into two categories: outside bets and inside bets.
- There is no limit on the number of bets you can make on one wheel spin.
- Outside bets incorporate a larger section of the wheel, and offer higher odds of winning but low payouts.
- Inside bets cover individual numbers or groups of numbers, are less likely to hit but offer larger payout.
What Are the Types of Roulette Bet?
There are two general types of roulette bets: inside bets and outside bets. When you sit to play roulette, you will note that on the layout of the roulette table, the inside bets are placed on the side closer to the dealer, while the outside bets are placed closer to the players. There are some specialty bets in roulette, but we’ll outline these below as these depend on the separate roulette variants you decide to play.
Credit: Nomini
Inside Bets
The inside bets in roulette are specific bets that you place on individual numbers or a group of a few numbers. In the roulette table layout, the inside bets are printed on the dealer side, from where the name is derived. We must note that the inside bets are more appealing to the players who are after bigger winnings, as these come with significant payouts but also come with higher odds. Here are the types of inside bets in roulette:
- Straight Up
The straight up bet in roulette is also known as a single bet, as you wager that the ball will land on a specific number. You can pick any number on the roulette table from 0 to 36 (and 00 for American roulette), and you need to place your chips in the center of the numbered grid. The payout for the straight up bet is 35 to 1.
- Split
The split bet in online roulette games means you wager that the ball will land on one of two adjacent numbers. For this wager, you place your chips on the line between the two numbers on the roulette number grid. Please note that even though the numbers are next to each other on the table grid, they are not next to each other on the roulette wheel. The payout for the split bet is 17 to 1.
- Street
The street bet in roulette is also known as a row bet, and for this bet, you wager that the ball will land on one of three consecutive numbers that are printed in a single row on the roulette table. For this bet, you need to place your chips at the edge of the row, and even though these are next to each other on the table, they are not next to each other on the roulette wheel. The payout for the street bet is 11 to 1.
- Corner
The corner bet in roulette means you wager that the ball will land on one of four numbers. For this bet, you need to place your chips at the corner where the four numbers meet on the roulette table. The payout for the corner bet is 8 to 1.
- Six Line
The six-line bet is also called a line or a double street, as you bet that the ball will land on one of six consecutive numbers or two adjacent rows on the roulette table. For this bet, you need to place your chips on the line that separates the outside and the inside bets on the roulette table layout between the two selected rows. The payout for the six-line bet is 5 to 1.
- Basket
The basket bet is only found in American roulette and is also referred to as a sucker bet. For this bet, you wager that the ball will land on one of five numbers: 0, 00, 1, 2, and 3, and you need to place your chips at the line touching all the fields. The payout for the basket bet is 6 to 1.
Complete Bet
While we are talking about inside bets in roulette, we need to also mention the complete bet. While not a regular bet in online casinos, the complete bet is a favored bet among high-rollers who prefer to play in land-based casinos. As the name says, the complete bet combines all the inside bets, and it is placed on a specific number, where the bettor announces it to the dealer while putting their chips on one particular number.
Outside Bets
The outside bets in roulette are more general bets that you place on a group of numbers or color options instead of choosing specific options. The outside bets are printed closest to the player’s side of the roulette table, and these are more appealing for beginners, as the outside roulette bets come with better winning odds but come with lower payouts and are often a part of roulette strategies. Here are the types of outside bets in roulette:
- Red or Black
For the Red or Black bet in roulette, you wager that the ball will land on either red or black. For this bet, you need to place your chips on the section that is labeled Red or Black. The payout for the Red/Black bet is 1 to 1.
- Odd or Even
For the Odd or Even bet in roulette, you wager that the ball will land either on an even or on an odd number. The roulette table has a section that is labeled Odd/Even, and this is where you need to place your chips for this bet. The payout for the Odd/Even bet is 1 to 1.
- High/Low
The roulette wheel has the numbers 1 to 36, so you can place a High/Low bet on whether the ball will land on a high number (19 to 36) or a low number (1 to 18). For this bet, you need to place your chips on the roulette table section marked High/Low. If the ball lands on 0 (or 00 in American roulette), you will lose the bet. The payout for the High/Low bet is 1 to 1.
- Column
The roulette table layout has the numbers divided into three columns with 12 numbers each; these are printed on the longer side of the table. For the column bet, you wager that the ball will land on one number in one of the columns. For this wager, you place your chips at the edge of your selected column. The payout for the column bet is 2 to 1, and here are the column numbers:
Column 1 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 13 | 16 | 19 | 22 | 25 | 28 | 31 | 34 |
Column 2 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 11 | 14 | 17 | 20 | 23 | 26 | 29 | 32 | 35 |
Column 3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 | 30 | 33 | 36 |
- Dozens
The roulette numbers can also be separated into three dozen: 1-12, 13-24, and 25-36. For the dozens bet, you wager that the ball will land on a number in a particular dozen. To place the dozens bet in roulette, you need to place your chips on the section marked 1st 12, 2nd 13, or 3rd 12. The payout for the dozens bet is 2 to 1.
Called Bets
Now, let’s talk about those specialty roulette bets we mentioned above. These are called announced or called bets and are found in French and European roulette variants. To make a called bet, you don’t place chips on the roulette table, but you announce these to the dealer. These come as gambling on credit, which is why you will rarely find these when you play online roulette. There are two types of called bets: fixed and varied bets.
Fixed Called Bets
The fixed called bets involve betting on a fixed set of numbers, and there are four types of fixed called bets:
- Voisins du Zero
Voisins du Zero means Neighbors or Zero and is often found in French roulette. You bet that the ball will land on one of 17 numbers that are around the number 0 on the roulette wheel. These are the numbers 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, and 25. The payout for this bet is variable.
- Jeu Zéro
Jeu Zero is a mini version of Voisins du Zéro. For the Zero game bet, you wager that the roulette ball will land on one of 7 numbers closest to zero on the roulette wheel. These are the numbers 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, and 15. The payout for this bet is 26 to 1.
- Tiers du Cylindre
For the Tiers du Cylindre, a French term, which translates to Thirds of the Wheel bet, you wager that the ball will land on one of 12 numbers that are opposite of the numbers involved in the Neighbors of Zero bet. These are the numbers 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, and 33. The payout for this bet is 17 to 1.
- The Orphans
The Orphans is a bet where you wager that the ball will land on one of the numbers that are not covered by the Neighbors of Zero and the Thirds of the Wheel bet. These are the numbers 7, 34, 6, 1, 20, 14, 31, and 9. The payout can be either 35 to 1 or 17 to 1.
Variable Called Bets
The variable called bets are called so because these vary depending on your choice of number. There are three variable called bet options:
- Neighbors
For the Neighbors bet, you wager that the ball will land on a single number or one of the two numbers on each side of it. It is a five-number bet and comes with a variable payout.
- Final Straight
For the Final Straight bet, you wager that the ball will land on numbers that end with the same digit. There are ten possible options for the Final Straight bet, and the payout is variable.
Final 0 | 0, 10, 20, 30 |
Final 1 | 1, 11, 21, 31 |
Final 2 | 2, 12, 22, 32 |
Final 3 | 3, 13, 23, 33 |
Final 4 | 4, 14, 24, 34 |
Final 5 | 5, 15, 25, 35 |
Final 6 | 6, 16, 26, 36 |
Final 7 | 7, 17, 27 |
Final 8 | 8, 18, 28 |
Final 9 | 9, 19, 29 |
- Final Split
For the Final Split bet, you wager that the roulette ball will land on one of the numbers that contain two select digits. For example, you can bet on 2 and 3, including 23 and 32. The payout for the Final Split bet is variable.
Credit: 22Bet
Roulette Bets Odds and Payouts
There are minimal differences between European and American roulette, which is why the roulette payout odds for some bets differ slightly. The table below explains the odds and payouts for the inside and outside roulette bets:
Roulette bet | Payout | European roulette odds | American roulette odds |
Straight bet | 35:1 | 2.70% | 2.60% |
Split bet | 17:1 | 5.4% | 5.3% |
Street | 11:1 | 8.1% | 7.9% |
Corner | 8:1 | 10.8% | 10.5% |
Basket | 6:1 | N/A | 13.2% |
Line | 5:1 | 16.2% | 15.8% |
Column | 2:1 | 32.40% | 31.6% |
Dozen | 2:1 | 32.40% | 31.6% |
Even/Odd | 1:1 | 48.60% | 47.4% |
High/Low | 1:1 | 48.60% | 47.4% |
Red/Black | 1:1 | 48.60% | 47.4% |
There is no doubt that roulette is a game of chance, but mastering the various bet types enables you to pick the best bet in roulette for your gambling style. Novice players prefer outside bets, due to their simplicity and smaller risks. On the other hand, seasoned roulette bettors gravitate towards inside bets and their higher reward potential.
We recommend practicing the bets by joining free sites to play roulette games and hone your skills. Once you feel confident that you have mastered the basics, you can back your bets up with real money.
What Is the Best Bet in Roulette?
The outside bets are good bets in roulette, as these come with good winning odds, albeit with lower payouts. For example, placing a Re/Black, Even/Odds, or High/Low bet gives you odds that are close to 50%.
What Is the Highest-Paying Bet in Roulette?
The highest-paying bet in roulette is the straight bet, where you wager on a single number and get an excellent 35 to 1 payout.
What Roulette Bet Has the Best Odds?
The outside bets like Red/Black, Even/Odd, and High/Low come with excellent odds that are close to 50%. Still, these come with a 1 to 1 payout.
How Much Does Betting on Green Pay in Roulette?
The green in roulette is 0, and it is present once in European roulette and twice in American roulette. That means that when you bet on green in European roulette, you get a 35 to 1 payout, and when you bet on green in American roulette, you get a payout of 17 to 1.
What Color Comes Up More Often in Roulette?
Statistically, neither color comes up more often in roulette, as there is an equal chance for red or black to come up. However, green comes far less than red or black.
Does The House Always Win When Betting on Roulette?
Roulette is one of the casino games where the player and the house have equal winning chances, as it comes down to the spin of the wheel. However, there is a house edge calculated into every bet, which is how the house makes its earnings.